Proto Mapper Community

Our community is the centerpiece of Proto. While the app is the main medium for users to contribute, the community is where they learn, share and engage with others across the world who share an interest in mapping.

WhatsApp Community

Our community is on WhatsApp and you will receive an invitation link when you Sign Up on the App.

For your convenience, we recommend you join a maximum of 3-4 groups in the community. This will help you minimize noise and irrelevant notifications. We recommend joining the General, Help & Support and your regional city/country group. These groups will help you keep up with everything going on and let you get the support you need.

Community Call

Every other week, our community joins each other on a Zoom call to share feedback, discuss updates and celebrate major wins.

Community Call’s are on Sundays at 6:00 PM IST. All community call links are shared one week in advance on the WhatsApp Community. You can register on our Luma page to get updates about all the events we organize and the Community Call.

Proto · Events Calendar


Map-a-thon’s are events where our community gets together to map out a portion of the city. We organize Map-a-thons regularly across the world and community members can also request grants for organizing them.

We organize two-kinds of Map-a-thon’s:

  1. City Level Map-a-thon’s: These are IRL events with a specified date and time. Community Members meet-up at a pre-determined location with a plan of action on what to map. Typically these map-a-thon’s are 3-5 hours long and Community members like to make them chill, fun sessions where they can hang-out, get to know each other and map.
  2. Map-a-thon Contests: These are remote, longer duration events with a specific goal and leaderboard. Users across the world compete over a pre-determined period of time to win special prizes and perks. Since these events are fully remote, our community keeps the social experience of the map-a-thon going on our group chat.

We help Community Members in organizing a Map-a-thon in their city. Map-a-thon Grants range from $100-$200 depending on the scale and scope of the event. Reach out on our WhatsApp Community and we’re happy to help!

A Map-a-thon is the easiest and fastest way to get started with mapping on proto, so keep an eye out for the next one in your city!

How to get Involved?

If you’re new to the WhatsApp community, it might feel strange and overwhelming to get involved in everything thats going on. Here are few tips on how to get started:

Using the Groups

  1. #General is where all the action happens. This is where you can talk to others, get to know the community and keep up with everything.
  2. #Help & Support is for any questions you have regarding the app, the community or just mapping. Feel free to ask them here and tag admins if you need a quick response.
  3. There are specific regional groups, for cities and for countries. This a great place to see who else is mapping in your region and get to know them. Its also helpful when you’re trying to organize a map-a-thon.
  4. There is a #Hindi Mappers group. All other public groups are in English (since we’re all from different parts of the world, this helps keep things easy). If you are more comfortable in Hindi however, you can use the Hindi Mappers group.

Engaging with the Community

This is simple. If the community knows you, they can help you. And even if they don’t, they will. But the help will be better if they know you. So engage!

Here are some basic engagement rules we try to follow:

  1. Don’t. I repeat; Don’t be a jackass. You know what this means, you know what we’re saying.
  2. Just ask. If you have a question regarding the app or need any support, feel free to put it on the groups. You’ll get help much faster than dm’ing the team. The community has faced these problems before and they already know some answers.
  3. Don’t be a stranger. If you wanna organize an event, if you wanna put up a post, if you have an idea for a feature or if you hate something in the app; Don’t shy away from saying so. Just put it on the group and we’ll try our best to address it. Honestly, there are no stupid suggestions and solutions. Everything you have to say is really important and we always address all comments in the chat. Feel free.
  4. Attend the Community Call!. It’s the easiest way to stay on top of everything thats happening and get a competitive advantage.

When we measure rewards, whether for special airdrops, memecoins or other special feature access; engagement matters!. We wanna reward people who are committed to the community and engagement is a useful metric.

Tools we Use

Like any community, we use a few tools to manage things. And getting familiar with them is useful for all community members. There are also a few other minor notes about platforms which

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