What are points?

Every time you do anything on proto, you earn Points. Points are a pre-token solution on the app. This means that your rewards on proto will eventually be a token, but until we launch the token we will give users points. Once we launch the token, you will be able to convert these points to the token. Points will still be used, but what they represent in the system will change once the token launches.

Overview of the Points system

Points are of three types:

  1. Contribution Points: These are awarded for actions in the app. Checking in, verifying data, trips and everything else. Contribution points are quantitative, they are an incentive to early adopters for their efforts in building a decentralized map.
  2. Quality Points: These are awarded for the quality of your Check-in’s. Accuracy of the addresses and information you provide, the quality of the images, reviews and other annotations. Quality points are meant to align interests and make sure that users are not being rewarded for misinformation.
  3. Location Points: Check-in’s and contributions are distributed across the world and where they are located is directly related to how important or valuable they are. So your checkins and other contributions receive points based on where they are located and the demand for data in that region.

All points users receive for their contributions (Check-in’s, trips, deck etc) fall into one of these 3 categories.

<aside> 💬 Lets work through an example

How are points awarded?

Points are awarded for a variety of actions in the app, and as mentioned above they are also dependent on several other criteria. The list here shows how many points you can earn for each action and what qualitative criteria apply to them.

Points for Trips

  1. Trip Length: Indicates how much you travel or move around in a day. You can find your trip lengths for the day ( a day is 00:00 to 23:59, your local time) on the home screen.
    1. Contribution Points: Trip lengths are measured in km. However we use a “Total adjusted km” instead of the “Total km” as shown on your home screen.
      1. Total Adjusted km = (Total walking km) + (Total driving km * 0.25) + (Total faster than driving km * 0)
      2. After calculating the Total Adjusted km, we calculate your trip contribution points as; (Total adjusted km * 2) + (Daily random score)
    2. Qualitative Criteria: Trip length calculations do not consider stray lines, gps blind spots or random erratic movement due to signal errors.
      1. If Proto is killed in the background or you use some memory/battery optimization apps which kill the background location activity periodically; the trip length is not calculated.
      2. To ensure you get all the points for your trips, your trip path must be a clean line without erratic behavior.
      3. Variety matters. Trips with similar paths or patterns get identified and tagged on a monthly basis. A higher trip variety gets you more points.
  2. Trip Stops: Indicates how many places you stop at during your trips. Measured as a count. You can find your trip stop details by tapping on the footsteps sign on the bottom left corner of your home screen.
    1. Contribution Points: Stops on their own do not have any contribution points.
    2. Qualitative Criteria: Stops are a list of opportunities for you to check-in, and completing check-ins from your stops list, lets you earn bonus points on the check-in.

Points for Check-Ins (Contribution)

  1. Name: Accurately naming the place you check-in to is vital. You earn 10 points for providing an accurate name of the place.
  2. Address: You earn 20 points for providing comprehensive address details, including street name, neighborhood, landmark, and pin adjustment.
  3. Tag & Category: You earn 5 points for adding an accurate tag.
  4. Images: You earn points for your initial and subsequent image contributions.
    1. Initial Contribution: For each image you upload as part of a check-in, you earn 5 points.
    2. Additional Images: For every additional image you upload after the initial one, you earn 3 points per image.
  5. Review: Reviews are scored based on their length and associated tag. 0 to 10 points based on their length and the relevance of their tags.
  6. Rating: You earn 1 point for each rating you provide.
  7. Metadata:
    1. Hours: For adding business hours, you earn 2 points.
    2. Contact Details: For providing contact details, you earn 5 points.
    3. Others: For all additional metadata, you can earn 2 points each

Maximum Points Per Check-In (for contribution): 75

Points for Check-Ins (Flag Check)

Before proceeding to a quality evaluation, we do a flag check on all Check-Ins. If your Check-In fails any of the following tests, it is flagged and you lose the contribution points associated with it.

  1. Does this Check-In have Images AND Reviews?
  2. Does it satisfy the following conditions?
    1. Is this a valid, non-malicious, well-intentioned effort at taking an image for this check in?
    2. Is the image clear?
    3. Is the image well-lit?
    4. Is the image un-pixelated?
    5. Is the image properly focussed?
    6. Is a “place” the main subject of the image?
  3. Does at least one image show a storefront, store billboard or a board that shows the name of the place?
  4. Did the Check In get voted on as “Correct” on the Deck by greater than 5 and as “Incorrect” as less than 2 people?

Points for Check-Ins (Quality)

Quality Points are awarded based on the clarity, correlation, and content of the images and reviews provided during a check-in. This section explains how you can earn Quality Points by ensuring your contributions are accurate, clear, and relevant.

  1. Images

    1. OCR (Optical Character Recognition): Points are awarded if the information extracted from the image matches the information entered by the user.
      • Location Name: 1 point if it matches the user-entered name.
      • Address: 1 point if it matches the user-entered address.
      • Tag: 1 point if it matches the user-entered tag.
      • Email: 1 point if it matches the user-entered email.
      • Phone: 1 point if it matches the user-entered phone number.
      • WhatsApp: 1 point if it matches the user-entered WhatsApp number.
      • Website: 1 point if it matches the user-entered website.
    2. Clarity: Ensuring the image is clear and well-taken can earn additional points.
      • Valid Effort: 1 point if the image is a valid, non-malicious, well-intentioned effort.
      • Clear Image: 1 point if the image is clear.
      • Well-Lit: 1 point if the image is well-lit.
      • Un-Pixelated: 1 point if the image is un-pixelated.
      • Properly Focused: 1 point if the image is properly focused.
      • Main Subject: 1 point if the place is the main subject of the image.
    3. Content: Points are given for capturing specific keywords related to the place. 2 points for each relevant content keyword identified in the image.
    4. Counts: Points are given for identifying and counting specific elements in the image. 2 points for each countable keyword identified in the image.
    5. Image Tags: Points are awarded if the image reflects typical characteristics of the selected tag. 2 points if the image reflects a typical aspect of the selected tag and its subcategory.
  2. Reviews

    1. General: Points are awarded based on the validity and quality of the review.
      • Valid Review: 2 points if the review is valid and relevant to the subcategory.
      • Review Quality: Up to 10 points based on how well the review covers the subcategory.
    2. Content: Points are given for mentioning specific keywords in the review. 2 points for each relevant keyword mentioned.
    3. Counts: Points are awarded for mentioning specific countable elements in the review. 2 points for each countable keyword mentioned.

3. Keyword Types

Maximum Points Per Check-In (for Quality): 120-150, varies based on tag For a full list of the tags and their associated keywords. See Here

Deck Interaction

  1. Vote Points: Voting on edits or contributions helps maintain the quality of the data.
    1. Voting Points: You earn 2 points for each vote you cast.
  2. Result Bonus: Your voting accuracy is rewarded.
  3. Edit Points: Making edits to existing information ensures data accuracy.
  4. Edit Result Bonus: Your edits are subject to community voting to ensure accuracy.

Referral Points

Every time you refer a user, you earn 5% of their points from mapping within their first 60 days of being active.

For eg. If you refer a user on January 1st, and they map worth 10,000 points till March 1st (60 days); you receive 5% of that or 500 points.

Tag Lists and Associated Keywords